Mockery of Nobel Peace Prize

I am really surprised at the announcement of Barrack Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
Its not that I don't admire him or that I consider him not a person of noble means. But being just noble enough is not a prejudice for a Nobel Peace Award. No doubt Obama seems an apostle of harmony, at least by the virtue of the innumerable speeches he has given on this subject. At least he has initiated a correction process of the misdeeds done by George W. Bush in the 8 years that he has tormented the world. Obama definitely has shown intent to cool-off the global political heat. However, his intent has not been translated into action as yet, anywhere; Iraq, Afghanistan or besides. Apart from Cuba somewhat, and that famous "Beer Summit" offcourse, which had made so much journalistic headlines, rather over-hyped I believe.
If intent of peace by now becomes so strong manifestation for bestowing an award of such high global reverence like Nobel Peace Prize, I am deeply more worried for my little son, as to how dangerous our planet is turning out to be.

Finally, why not Manmohan Singh is chosen for the award for that matter? Inspite of continuous provocations from disruptive neighbourhoods, he is still holding hard the mantle of peace and patience. More since, everybody knows that any hot pursuit from his side can invoke a nuclear war, strong enough to wipe-off half of the world's population and an imminent Third World War.

Is it that the institution of Noble Peace Prize is desperate for brand equity by posturing Obama? In that case Obama himself might be profoundly embarrassed by that means.
Mahatma Gandhi I remember has not been given that award.

I completely agree on your views.How can a person without a deed is nominated for Noble peace prize.....and if this contineous than one day all the film actors / politicians / will be getting the same and our new generation will reading bulky textbooks for the same personalities.
The day is not too far when my son will read about Raju Srivastava(comedian)getting an Noble prize,in his school text books ?????