The Greatest Jihad
Baghdad, Dhaka, Istanbul, Brussels, Paris, Orlando, Boston, Beslan, Mumbai, Peshawar, New York.....Nigeria, Libya, Eqypt, Spain, Indonesia, Russia, Yemen.... Restaurant, Nightclub, Train, Metro, Hotel, Airport, Mosque, Temple, Church, School....the list is multi-dimensional and endless. Somewhere by organisations, some by groups, others by unaffiliated individuals or lone-wolf, the latest media term. Somewhere they kill persons who could not recite Qur'anic verses. Somewhere they kill the masses who are reciter and follower of Qur'an.
Today is 29th day of Ramadan. The most pious of all months is about to end. I have observed all my Roza, read my Namaz, recited Qur'an and abstained from things which are prohibited, to the best of my abilities and perseverance. I do not know whether my deeds have been accepted by Allah. But, whatever be the fate of my observance, today I intend to pray the hardest ever to Him. Not for me, but for annihilation and obliteration of all souls, who has done any form of terrorist deeds or has any intentions of doing so. I intend to pray to Allah, that "jahannum" be bestowed to them, that they ever rot in the abyss of hell, that they suffer and be wretched in this life and after-life.
But that was just a wrongful intention. I will not actually pray for their retribution. Because I am a Muslim. Because no true Muslim, seeks revenge or vengeance for any human being. Even if they are my enemies, Allah doesn't allow me to curse them, as HE Himself is the supreme judge.

These perpetrators of death, are sinister enemies of mankind and entire humanity. They are even the greatest enemy of themselves. For, what they are doing are direct defiance to Allah. Their act is nothing but disobedience and betrayal to Him.
Satan prevents humans from doing good. But this is the month of Ramadan, when Qur'an says that Satan is chained up, so that Muslims might not have to confront Satan in doing good deeds. Hence all the Muslims who brings injustice and perversity, could not blame Satan for their misdeeds. They indeed only left with themselves to be blamed.
As the face and profile of these human killing machines is changing and even the convent educated, middle class, seemingly inconspicuous faces are drawing into this profanity, it has become profound duty of all true believers of Allah to raise their voices and condemn these violators of Islam. It is also their duty to shed all the hypocrisy of me versus them, that America, Jews are the main culprit, and few other convenient blame-games. We must raise our voice and point our fingers only at these killers of innocent souls.