The Future of Jobs is Scary
Last month I wrote a blog on how driverless cars will be common sooner or later and that human drivers to become obsolete will be a reality : . There had been many movies and novels depicting complete takeover of day-to-day work by robots and technologies substituting humans. Hugely successful and critically acclaimed movies like 'Wall-E', 'AI-Artificial Intelligence', 'I,Robot' and this year Oscar winning 'Ex Machina', have all illustrated dystopian world, where Robots elbowed out humans. In The World Economic Forum of 2016 at Davos, one of the main agenda of discussion was the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Participants representing head of the nations, renowned economist and business leaders around the world, all conceded that Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway and that it will eliminate millions of jobs over next 5 to 10 year...