
Showing posts from June, 2016

Retirement planning: Why should you get serious about it now

Have you seen the Hollywood movie, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps? If you have seen the movie, you will be able to recall the famous line, “What is your number?” For those who have not seen the movie, a character named Bretton James (played by Josh Brolin) asks the protagonist, Jeremy (played by Shia LeBeouf), this question. James goes on to explain what he means, “The amount of money, you would need to be able to walk away from it all and just live happily ever after. See I find that everyone has a number and it is usually an exact number, so what is yours”. As a fresh graduate fresh out of college, working in a large private sector company twenty years back, I also had a number in my head. Many of my friends also had similar numbers in their heads and we would often discuss how, once we reach that number, in terms of savings, we would happily retire from work and do the things that we “love” doing. A few years back, I crossed that number in terms of my savings. I have not ret...

The next thing you must have after 'Roti, Kapda aur Makaan'

We live in a world where chances of the possibilities are always probable. However, our mind always console our heart that the improbability of the impossible is a certainty. As we continue to live conveniently in a world of denial, Murphy’s law states "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". I am a Financial Consultant by profession. One of my Key Responsibility Area and Ethics is Advisory : Prudent, Practical and Pragmatic Financial Advisory. However, more often than not, I come across individual, albeit successful and wealthy in their means, are utterly lackadaisical in the approach of safety, prevention and protection of their life and health. There lies acute apathy towards the realization of the probability of financial constraints that may arise for the family, spouse and dependents in the event of their unfortunate absence. A complete contrarian to Murphy's law prevails in their mind.  Nevertheless, there lies a very simple solution for pro...