Day Two
We woke up at the tea-call of Anand Singh around 6 in the morning and a look outside dampened our spirits. It was raining profusely and the dark black clouds with its roar were looking ominous. Our guide however was consoling us that the rain will stop within 2-3 hours. We did paid heed to him, being a person of the hills and we kept ourselves ready to start. The pouring did lighten by 8 and completely stopped by 9 with a nice sunny sky smiling at us. We started at 10.30. Our destination today is Jatoli, being a trek of 10 km. We bypassed Khati village to lessen our distance. Entering Khati is mandatory for only Pindari & Kufni Glacier route. This trek was very eye pleasing. We met Pindari river shortly and then the confluence point of Pindari & Sunderdunga rivers. Thereafter, the trail was all along the Sunderdunga river. We traversed through lush green jungles, wooden dilapidated bridges across river and steep cliffs. Snow capped mountains all along played hide and seek with ...