
Showing posts from September, 2009

Poor Man’s Grand Canyon

We woke up the next morning at the sheer depression of the sight of rain still pouring very heavily. The hotel garden now resemblances a miniature lake and the sky seem swollen with dark anger, as if it is on a vengeance call against us. I lolled back to the bed. My wife tried to console me saying that a full day rest at the hotel room is for us surely a rarest way of spending a day in our life. I returned back a wry smile to her.   After about an hour, we finally re-charged our spirit after a multiple round of inanimate discussion with Bhaiya and a fifteen minute pep talk by Didi. We decided to damn the rain and planned to visit Raneh Falls first, which we thought might be a good adventure in the rain. Then we will move to the temples hoping by that time rain to stop. The photograph is illusory. The depth of the gorge is not less than 200 ft Raneh Falls is about 20 kms from our hotel and is on the edge of the Rewa Plateau, which lies to the southeast of the Bundelkhand Uplan...